DeFi protocol for On-Chain Derivatives

Mint and Trade Decentralized Options

Pioneering DeFi protocol designed to transform the market of decentralized derivatives.
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Our features:

▶   Full On-Chain ledger, assets are ERC-1155 standard.
▶   Concentrated liquidity on the predefined grid of strikes and maturities.
▶   Uniswap exchange protocol with zero trade fees.
▶   Collected execution fees are distributed among STFIN tokenholders.

Why choose us

Gain the full power of decentralized finance with Stochastic Finance Protocol. We offer a cutting-edge solution for a variety of strategies in the DeFi space, enabling efficient trading, hedging, and robust risk management.

Leveraged Exposure

Gain extra leverage by trading out-of-money options

Hedge your risks

Hedge against price volatility to reduce your exposure and fix payoff

On-Chain assets

Minted STFIN options are fully on-chain as ERC-1155, allowing you to trade or exchange these assets on DEXs

Fee distributions

All fees collected on executed STFIN options by Protocol are distributed to the holders of native STFIN tokens